“Because a picture is worth more than a thousand words”

Visual identity

By relying on a creative team, DNA Nations develops your future visual identity to convey a strong message through a brand image.

graphic charter by DNA Nations

Charte graphique

Adopt a harmonious, balanced and coherent visual identity.

Logotype by DNA Nations


Research, design, and corporate logo creation, unique in vectorized format.

Multi-support creation by DNA Nations

Multi-support creation

Deploy your multi-support communication elements: print, numérique, vidéo, ...

Photograph of a man with a strong visual identity for DNA Nations

development of a visual identity

graphic charter

The visual identity is a set of elements and graphic standards, which aims to set harmony in the structure identity. This balance makes it possible to establish a powerful coherent connection powerful coherent connection between brand and clientele. A neat identity conveys a strong impression of professionalism, consistency, and stability. DNA Nations proposes the implementation of a graphic charter, or "graphic standards notebook". This document contains all the fundamental rules for the use of graphic signs constituting the graphic identity of an organization, a project, or a company. The purpose of the graphic charter is to maintain consistency in the graphic achievements of the same organization, project, or company, regardless of the different production stakeholders.

animated DNA Nations logo by ourselves
Logo de ADN Nations animé par nos soins

The enterprise logotype

The logotype, commonly known as the logo, is the main and systematic element of the graphic charter. The logo represents the first image that third parties have of a company. It put together its values, an idea, a philosophy that is felt at first glance. The logo is essential to the company. Simplicity and Efficiency can be ways to more easily anchor the image of the company in the consumers' memories. Who doesn’t remember the biggest brands and their products just when they recognize their logo?
The graphic charter presents the variation of the logo, with its colors, its position on all supports (letterhead, official documents, brochures, folder and shirts, vehicle, etc.), the exclusion zone (minimum protected space around the logo), its variations on white and colored backgrounds.

Our logos are produced by qualified graphic designers, in vector format. They can thus be displayed in all possible supports, as well as in all dimensions, without loss of quality.

We also offer the possibility of animating your logo. This service combining class and refinement gives your company an image of luxury.

A worked visual identity is the assurance to mark the spirits and to stand out from the crowd, with class.
Photograph of a woman with a strong visual identity for DNA Nations
Illustration of a graphic work around typography and watermark

Fonts and other graphic elements

The font also called typography, is important because it brings an additional trait to the brand identity. In the charter, the different fonts, text levels, and contexts for using them, will be mentioned.
The point above all is to provide good reading comfort Typography is one of the essential components of the company's graphic universe.

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